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Prayer Request: Pudong New Area: Shanghai’s Thriving Business Hub

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Pudong New Area: Shanghai’s Thriving Business Hub (May 15, 2024)

Prayer Request:
Pudong New Area: Shanghai’s Thriving Business Hub Pudong New Area, located east of the Huangpu River, has transformed from vast farmland into a bustling district. Established as a Special Economic Zone in the 1990s, it now stands as a premier destination for investors, talents, and innovators.To get more news about pudong new area of shanghai, you can visit shine news official website.Overview Pudong New Area covers 1,210 square kilometers and houses a permanent resident population of 5.57 million. Its development extends all the way to the East China Sea, making it a vital part of Shanghai’s landscape. Let’s delve into the key aspects of this dynamic region:1. Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone Lujiazui, within Pudong, hosts iconic skyscrapers like the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, and Shanghai Tower. These architectural marvels face Puxi’s historic Bund across the river, creating a stunning skyline.2. Economic Powerhouse Pudong’s GDP reached CN¥1.6 trillion (approximately US$237.78 billion) in 2022, with a per capita income of CN¥281,180 (around US$41,755)2. Its economic vibrancy stems from financial services, technology, and trade.3. Infrastructure and Attractions Shanghai Pudong International Airport: A major gateway connecting Shanghai to the world. Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park: A hub for innovation and research. Shanghai Disney Resort: A magical entertainment destination. Century Park: A green oasis for relaxation. Jiuduansha Wetland Nature Reserve: A haven for biodiversity. Conclusion Pudong New Area exemplifies Shanghai’s growth, blending modernity with history. As you explore its streets, you’ll witness the convergence of commerce, culture, and creativity.

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