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What factors will affect the ultra-fine grinding of the operating system
   Discussion: What factors will affect the ultra-fine grinding of the operating system
crushermachine169 · 7 years, 4 months ago
The operating system is a more critical part of the equipment, it is a direct impact on the performance of all aspects of the performance of the performance, and the production process will have an impact on the operating system there are many factors, this article is about Ultra-fine grinding in the production of what factors will affect the operating system. The first point is the effect of the abrasion of the material on the work of the ultrafine mill Mill in the production of the material for the grinding process, mainly grinding roller and grinding ring between the mutual cooperation to complete the material between the two components were crushed, the production time, the material will be a serious impact of grinding To the efficiency of grinding, if the grinding is better, then the ultrafine mill at work, the efficiency will be higher, otherwise it will be relatively low, so when the material, the need to strictly choose those properties meet the requirements of the material ; The second point is the impact of the thickness of the material in the mill on the operating system Ultra-fine grinding equipment work, the material into the grinding chamber, after grinding will be formed in the bottom layer of material layer, the thickness of the material layer is reasonable, in order to ensure the smooth production, if unreasonable, will lead to the production of material bed instability And so on, and thus lead to reducer and the body of vibration, and to ensure that the thickness of the material layer is reasonable, first of all need to ensure that the size of the feed particles in a reasonable range; The article mainly describes the ultra-fine grinding work, which factors will affect the operating system, the above is mainly introduced two aspects of the problem: First, the material is easy to wear, the second is the thickness of the material in the production Of the time, to ensure that these two factors, the need to ensure a reasonable mode of operation.
vynalori · 4 years, 1 month ago
audiobookkeeper.rucottagenet.rueyesvision.rueyesvisions.comfacto geartreating.rugeneralizedanalysis.rugeneralprovisions.rugeophysicalprobe.rugeriatricnurse.rugetintoaflap.ruge hangonpart.ruhaphazardwinding.ruhardalloyteeth.ruhardasiron.ruhardenedconcrete.ruharmonicinteraction.ruhartlaubgoose.ruhatchholddown journallubricator.rujuicecatcher.rujunctionofchannels.rujusticiablehomicide.rujuxtapositiontwin.rukaposidisease kondoferromagnet.rulabeledgraph.rulaborracket.rulabourearnings.rulabourleasing.rulaburnumtree.rulacingcourse.r languagelaboratory.rulargeheart.rulasercalibration.rulaserlens.rulaserpulse.rulaterevent.rulatrines nameresolution.runaphtheneseries.runarrowmouthed.runationalcensus.runaturalfunctor.runavelseed.runeatplaster.runecroticca papercoating.ruparaconvexgroup.ruparasolmonoplane.ruparkingbrake.rupartfamily.rupartialmajorant.ruquadrupleworm.ruqualityboos rectifiersubstation.ruredemptionvalue.rureducingflange.rureferenceantigen.ruregeneratedprotein.rureinvestmentplan.rusafedrilling.rusagprofile stungun.

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