Polypropylene is what is termed an addition polymer which is made from the monomer propylene. It is rugged and unusually resistant to many chemical solvents, bases and acids, making it ideal for many of its uses.
Many of the key electrical characteristics of the material that are applicable to its use in polypropylene capacitors is given in the table below.
The polypropylene of PP capacitor is a form of what is termed a film capacitor.
These capacitors use a thin plastic film as the dielectric - in this case polypropylene.
The film is made very thin and to the required thickness using a sophisticated drawing process.
The polypropylene film may then be metallised and in this way the plates are formed across the dielectric. Alternatively the film may be left untreated and separate leaves of a conductor placed between layers of the film to form the electrodes.
Either way multiple layers of the film are needed to give the required capacitance, and the plates are connected to the external leads.
Finally the assembly is mounted into a case which protects it from damage and other environmental factors.
metallized film capacitor manufacturers metallized film capacitor manufacturers
metalized polyester film capacitor metalized polyester film capacitor
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