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Analysis of Causes for Failure of Gear Transmission of High-pressure Raymond Machine
   Discussion: Analysis of Causes for Failure of Gear Transmission of High-pressure Raymond Machine
crushermachine169 · 6 years, 8 months ago
In the process of high-pressure Raymond machine operation, gear transmission failure is one of the more common failures. Once raymond mill gear transmission fails, it will seriously affect the smooth operation of the milling operation and delay the efficient operation of the entire milling production line. So. What are the causes of the failure of high-pressure Raymond gear transmissions? 1. Due to the particularity of the working environment of high-pressure Raymond machines, when the milling operation is carried out, the working environment of the gear transmission is poor. Under the severe influence of dust particles, the gears are seriously polluted. Or if the gear oil is not added in a timely manner in the transmission part, and the lubricating oil is seriously polluted, it will cause a failure of the high-pressure Raymond gear transmission. 2. After the gear transmission has been operated for a period of time, the axis of the pinion and the axis of the Raymond Mill classification drum may become non-parallel, resulting in localized contact of the gear mesh. If the gear is uneven across the entire tooth width, it is very easy to cause bending and torsional deformation of the gear shaft. In addition, if the material of the gear transmission material is not uniform, there are slag inclusions, pores, and hard particles, etc., and the local shear stress of the surface layer or subsurface layer is too large, resulting in a broken tooth phenomenon. The 3. There is stress concentration on the gear of the high-pressure Raymond machine. When the tooth tip of the gear enters the meshing state, the surface layer forms the original crack under the effect of excessive equivalent contact shear stress. During the operation of the gear, the high-pressure oil wave generated by the contact pressure enters the crack at a very high speed, and generates a strong fluid impact on the crack wall; at the same time, the surface of the gear pair can close the crack opening, and the oil pressure in the crack is further increased. It rises and forces the crack to expand in the depth direction and in the direction of the tooth surface. The material falls off from the tooth surface and forms pitting. 4, in the transmission gear single tooth to bear the load to greatly extend the time, which is caused by excessive wear of the gear is an important reason. The reduction in the degree of coincidence will inevitably lead to an increase in the backlash of the gear, so that some impurities and floating materials and dust in the air more easily enter the meshing surface of the gear pair, causing the occurrence of abrasive wear.
vynalori · 4 years, 1 month ago
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