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Divinity MBC Bible Institute
What are the precautions after the wet ultrafine mill is shut down?
   Discussion: What are the precautions after the wet ultrafine mill is shut down?
crushermachine169 · 6 years, 5 months ago
The wet ultrafine mill is the key equipment for crushing the material after it has been crushed. It consists of the main parts such as the feeding part, the discharging part, the turning part and the transmission part. Ultra-fine mills are widely used in cement, silicate products, new building materials, refractory materials, fertilizers, black and non-ferrous metal dressings, and glass ceramics. Precautions after the shutdown of the wet ultrafine mill: 1. Rinse the ultrafine mill with water until the slurry is very clear and transparent. The time of rotation is limited to 5-10 minutes. If the ultra-fine mill is not fed for a long time, it will cause wear and damage of the ultra-fine mill liner. The long-term stop grinding of the steel ball should be unloaded to avoid deformation of the cylinder. 2. If the machine is shut down for a long time, the best method is to open the lubrication system to float the main bearing, then use the bracket and the hydraulic jack system to jack up the ultra-fine mill to separate the hollow shaft from the bearing bush, and then use the support to support the ultra-fine mill. Cylinder. 3. Cut off the power of the ultrafine mill and auxiliary equipment. 4. Discharge the oil in the bearing housing. If the oil is clean, store it in a sealed oil drum. 5. Drain the water in the cooling tube to avoid freezing the cooling water pipe when it is cold. 6. Protect the lubrication system, motor, air clutch and slow drive from dust, but not tightly sealed to avoid moisture accumulation. Use a small heater or protect the bulb to prevent moisture buildup. 7. Move the spray lubrication pump into a light and hardened oil drum and start the pump until the light grease is sprayed from the nozzle. Ensure that the grease used normally does not harden and the lubrication lines and nozzles are not blocked. 8. Place bagged desiccant in all control and electrical panels to prevent moisture build-up and safely seal the control panel.
vynalori · 4 years, 1 month ago
инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинйоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоtuchkasинфоинфо

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