The official advertisement didn't acknowledgment if these items will be tradeable to added players, just advertence that Golden Egg items can be traded in. However, Psyonix Community Manager Psyonix_Devin accepted on the
Rocket League Items Discord that Golden Egg items will be tradeable to added players, acceptation accepting some of the rarer Champions Series items could be account absolutely a few keys.Finally, the column appear a new amphitheatre for Rocket League, alleged Throwback. This amphitheatre is based on SARPBC-style acreage setups, area the goals aren't congenital into the walls on either end. Instead, they're added like hockey goals, area players can play the brawl abaft the goal, or use the aback end as a ramp. Psyonix aswell states that the physics on Bequest will be adapted with a little bit of a lighter brawl to absolutely accord the feel of SARPBC. Throwback will be kept in a abstracted 'anniversary' playlist from accepted arenas, acceptation you will not accept to accord with a altered acreage adjustment while you're aggravating to play competitively.Personally, I'm aflame to accord the SARPBC amphitheatre a try, and I'm acquisitive to get advantageous with a Golden Egg or two
Rocket League Items. Acceptable luck, everyone!I'm an ardent gamer and apprentice of technology. I'm absorbed in how we collaborate with technology, and what these interactions mean. Video amateur are a abundant circle amid bodies and technology, because they consistently advance the envelope of interactivity and design.