=12px[color=#000000]With the continuous development of the production volume and production technology of the machinery industry, the casting characteristics of steel castings are also constantly being upgraded. Since the application range of
stainless steel castingis very wide, it is very necessary to have some understanding of its casting characteristics.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]The casting materials of steel castings are very extensive. Any alloy material that can be melted into a liquid state by using the experimental ribbon mixer and the experimental ribbon mixer can be used for casting of steel castings. For the brittle alloy material with poor plasticity, casting is also the only feasible forming process. The dimensional accuracy of steel castings is constant. In general, steel castings are more precise than conventional forgings and weldments.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]The production cost of steel castings is low and the economy is very good. The consumption of Duyu energy and materials is beyond the reach of other metal forming processes.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]Cast steel parts are produced in a flexible manner, can be mechanized in batches, and can also use scrap metal materials and renewable resources.[/color]