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Divinity MBC Bible Institute
Laser pointer can help you prepare for the unexpected
   Discussion: Laser pointer can help you prepare for the unexpected · 3 years, 8 months ago
Laser pointer can help you signal for help from others. Whether you go camping a lot or are an avid hiker, a laser pointer can help you prepare for the unexpected. These days, many people like to travel alone and laser pointers can be a great tool to help others a few miles away. One can choose the best burning laser pointer and use it to pop balloons, light matches, and create flames with gasoline or lighter fluid.Green laser pointer can be used for light painting, an innovative form of photography that combines natural and handheld light sources to create stunningly beautiful landscapes.Laser engraver are widely used in astronomy, primarily for pointing at stars. With their unique ability to emit straight and highly visible beams, laser pointers are able to pinpoint starting points and constellations. Lasers are an effective means of keeping birds away from unwanted areas. It helps to make birds fly away without harming them, because they won't come back if they are frightened.Most consumer uses - other than killing aquarium growths - do not require more than 5 milliwatts (the traditional maximum for lasers sold as pointers in the United States). So why do some people buy handheld lasers of 25, 100, 250 or even 1000 milliwatts?One reason is that there are some laser enthusiasts who like to experiment with lasers. They can create homemade laser light shows, they can do experiments involving burning or engraving materials, or they may like to pop balloons or popcorn wicks with light. An article in the New York Times quotes one 18-year-old hobbyist as saying, "You learn a lot in a hobby like this: electronics, soldering, physics. You also learn about light, you learn about optics. You learn a lot about mechanics, too."

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