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Divinity MBC Bible Institute
What should people who regularly receive crank calls do?
   Discussion: What should people who regularly receive crank calls do?
perfectjammers · 3 years, 8 months ago
We should always have a jammer to protect ourselves from harassmentWhen the cell phone jammer is active, most phones will not display network signals, and when the phone blocker is turned off, the phone will be activated. The phone uses a unique frequency for calling and listening. Most cell phone blockers block either of these two frequencies, indirectly providing a preventive effect for both. Cell phone blockers work in the same way as interference suppressors used to prevent radio communications. They work by interrupting the frequency from cell phone to base station or from base station to cell phone.There are many reasons why you can use a wifi jammer. Some of them can be used legally with the permission of the local government. Cell phone jammers are often used where mobile signals are stuck and cannot ring for security reasons or forced mobile mute. In fact, the jammer may also be a test bed for the new anti-jamming technology being developed, and it is developing rapidly. Because it is easier and cheaper to block cell phone signals and the use of GPS, the military is eager to develop new systems that enable aircraft, drones and missiles to eliminate interference signals.At first, everything was really great because people were crazy about the technology. Almost everyone started buying and using signal jammer. At some point, the government thought this was inappropriate, and for that reason it banned the use of any jammers and let me tell you why it happened. Many people live in important places, such as police stations and hospitals. And, if they turn on one of these devices, it means authorities can't answer calls from stranded citizens. In many cases, people actually die because they cannot call an ambulance or a police station.

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