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Top five colors for bridesmaid dresses in 2016 spring
   Discussion: Top five colors for bridesmaid dresses in 2016 spring
hflx123 · 8 years, 7 months ago
New year is coming! For ladies, each year, each season has its own unique color palette and taste. For formal dresses example, lazy summer days will be completely different from the feeling in spring. However, when summer slide to autumn, the color of rustic, bohemian or vintage wedding will go deeper, richer. I always used to  think that people who has chosen the lovely bridesmaid colors will reflect and complement the color combinations of the wedding. In the recent fashion shows, some colors are hotly favored by many show. Now, we will collect the top five colors for evening dresses  the coming 2016 spring. The first color is marsala. As Pantone’s color year of 2016, marsala is definitely the most popular color of this spring with its warmth and hope. Then, the next color is jewel tones. Jewel tones include some dark colors that will make your wedding more elegant and gorgeous. Besides, blue grey is also a classical color for wedding dresses  bridesmaid dresses. This powerful blue grey color implies quality and luxury, which is a great choice for  spring. One of the most favored colors of most ladies is dusty rose. As a darker rose color, dusty rose is perfect for a vintage wedding. The last color we will recommend to the bridesmaids is blackberry. As a similar color to traditional black, blackberry will create a classic yet a little delicate look.    
vynalori · 3 years, 8 months ago
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