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Divinity MBC Bible Institute
The trends of wedding dresses for 2016
   Discussion: The trends of wedding dresses for 2016
hflx123 · 8 years, 6 months ago
2016 is a new year, also a happy year for formal dresses the girls who will get married in this year. Whether or not you are intend to  get married this year, ahead of choosing a suitable wedding dress is not absolutely wrong. So now let us take a look at the trends of evening dresses  wedding dresses for 2016 and keep in fashion! Firstly, a sweet lace is needed. Lace is one of the most widely used elements of a wedding event. Lace decorates the holy wedding appropriately. Whether in 2016 or in the future, lace will be the wedding essential element. Secondly, crystal ornaments will help you to catch everyone’s eye. In the era like publicity, lavish jewelry never obnoxious. Looking through wedding styles these year, many have begun to try to combine crystal into the wedding dresses which added a touch of beautiful elegance. Thirdly,  three-dimensional carving is becoming more popular. Whether in the field of a wedding-theme show or a 2016 women fashion show, three-dimensional carved elements are hot in this year. The use of three-dimensional carved elements in wedding dresses can also mostly short paragraph design, it looks lively, delicate, and pleasant. Fourthly, the flat shoulder design is welcomed by many girls. Dignified flat shoulder has been relatively favorite design on the red carpets. Its elegant design extended to wedding dresses below the buttocks, it seems better bring out the graceful figure of the bride. And it shows a kind of sexy beyond words.  
vynalori · 3 years, 8 months ago
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