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Prayer Request: Traditional Chinese snacks taste good

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Traditional Chinese snacks taste good (Aug 16, 2023)

Prayer Request:
Traditional Chinese snacks taste goodIn a Shanghai school, the classroom table is not filled with books or exam papers. There are ingredients for a meal and steamers to cook them.To get more news about traditional chinese snacks, you can visit shine news official website.The class at the Citizen Night School is designed to teach expats how to make popular Chinese snacks. The teacher is Zhong Jun, a former chef at the Jin Jiang and Marriott hotels."Zhong told Shanghai Daily, "I've been working with the Citizen Night School for a long time, but this is the first time I'm teaching a class for foreigners. "The biggest challenge is the language, but I can speak simple English words and we have a volunteer interpreter. If all else fails, I can use body language."The snack class is one of 278 offered at the school, which aims to provide cultural experiences for locals at reduced tuition fees. The school opened in 2016.Zhong's class will be held every Monday until July 3 at the Shanghai Mass Art Centre, with each session lasting 90 minutes. Enrolment is open to 25 local expats aged between 18 and 55. The cost of the 12 classes is 860 yuan: 500 yuan for tuition and 360 yuan for ingredients. In the current term, people from the UK, Russia, Japan and other countries have signed up. This class is elementary, designed to give foreigners a feel for these traditional snacks," Zhong said. "Food is culture. Through food, we hope to encourage more interaction between people from different countries.He added: "When I worked abroad, I found that Chinese food and snacks were very popular with foreigners. For example, when I was in Malaysia, the people there loved congyoubing, or scallion pancakes, and Chinese pumpkin cake".Wearing a customised chef's uniform emblazoned with the words "Chinese cuisine", Zhong told the students in the first class about the history of chuandian, or "boat snacks" - a traditional dish in the areas immediately south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Zhong showed the class five varieties of the snack, including pumpkin-shaped rice balls, baked shortbread and the green rice balls associated with the Qingming festival. The course will teach them how to make the different varieties of rice balls, glutinous rice cakes and peach-shaped steamed buns. When I first came to China seven years ago, it was the end of March, and the first holiday I celebrated here was the Qingming Festival," Zabolotskaia told Shanghai Daily. "So that was the first local snack I tried."She said she was an experienced cook of Russian and European dishes, but had no idea how to make Chinese food.To appeal to the palates of foreigners and young students, Zhong made some changes to the recipe. He replaced lard with butter and added a milk and egg filling to the rice balls for those who don't like the traditional red bean paste.As the students worked on their rice balls, Zhong moved among them, making suggestions as they shaped the dough. In less than half an hour, the students finished their snacks with toppings of walnuts and raisins before placing them in a steamer.Zabolotskaia said food was an excellent way to learn about a country's cultural heritage. She used to teach at a university and take students on trips around China. The trips showed her the depth and variety of regional Chinese cuisine.

   Discussion: Traditional Chinese snacks taste good
nkdollshop · 1 year, 6 months ago
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