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Cause of failure and troubleshooting
   Discussion: Cause of failure and troubleshooting
yoyocrusher · 7 years, 3 months ago
Reasons for the Failure of Operation of Construction Waste Crusher  and Its Elimination. Raymond Mill to increase the high pressure spring into a high-pressure mill in the use of the process, part of the high-voltage Raymond machine due to improper use of the process and some other reasons, there are a variety of failures, if not resolved soon, will be great Affect the production efficiency, in this, summed up the high-pressure milling machine in the production process of the most common faults and solutions, 1, failure: Construction Waste Crusher  current is too large. Hanging parts often occur roller rotation, the current is too high; Reason: Suspension parts. The disintegration of the suspension axis of the sliding bearing to suspend, suspended cavity cavity a large number of sludge. The reason is that the outlet gap is too large, the air pressure inside the suspension shaft is less than the air pressure of the grinding chamber, so that the dust enters the suspension chamber. 2, failure: high-pressure milling machine grinding chamber sound abnormalities, the roller in the grinding ring on the impact of sound; Reason: grinding cavity. Stop the mill to open the grinding chamber, with a manual wheel to find some of the roller when the turn does not turn, the roller and grinding ring with broken pieces. Analysis is caused by poor lubrication of roller bearings. 3, failure: high-pressure milling machine roller and grinding ring is not normal wear and tear. Roller surface easy to wear into concave surface, and sometimes found that rugged stripes appear, grinding ring also appeared concave grinding; Cause: Suspension of the oil chamber connected to the duct wear. The main reason is that grinding powder in the continuous erosion caused by powder.
vynalori · 4 years, 2 months ago
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