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What are the grinding equipment for calcium carbonate micro-powder grinding?
   Discussion: What are the grinding equipment for calcium carbonate micro-powder grinding?
crushermachine169 · 5 years, 6 months ago
=12px[color=#000000]China's annual production capacity of calcium carbonate continues to grow. Although the growth rate is very fast, there are still many problems. Many manufacturers produce small equipment with small machine production capacity, industrial scale and product finishing degree are low, the main reason The technological level of processing equipment is relatively backward. The technical level of China's heavy Calcium Carbonate Plant needs to be further improved. SBM has high purity and good whiteness by introducing ultra-fine powder grinding technology. It has strong activity and its quality has reached the standards required at home and abroad.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]The production method of calcium carbonate is divided into two types: dry method and wet method. For calcium carbonate, the processing method is different, and the type of product is also different. The method of dry processing is called heavy calcium carbonate, compared with wet method. The processed light calcium carbonate, the production of heavy calcium carbonate will be larger, the cost is low and the process is simple. The physicochemical properties in the processing can enhance the activity of the powder, with the development of ultrafine pulverization technology and technical and economic performance, Price competition. Ultra-fine heavy calcium carbonate has become a development trend instead of light calcium carbonate. To this end, we have adopted the ultra-fine pulverization process route of the dry method.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]The whole process of the calcium carbonate grinding process can select different types of equipment. During the production process, the whole ultrafine powder system is under negative pressure. The large talc can achieve the required fineness after micro-polishing, and the material after passing will be It is sent to the main room for grinding, and its finished product size meets the requirements of the market for heavy calcium powder fineness, and has become an important raw material for industrial manufacturing.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]SBM's micro-grinding, ultra-fine grinding, Vertical Roller Mill and other equipment have a good grinding effect in the processing of heavy calcium carbonate, thus achieving the different functions of refinement of heavy calcium powder, in the realization of resources and product addition At the same time, the value of society and corporate benefits. SBM micro-grinding vigorously develops high-efficiency and energy-saving environmentally-friendly heavy calcium carbonate powder preparation equipment. With excellent equipment performance and advanced technology, it will be able to take advantage of the wind! Welcome to know.[/color]
vynalori · 3 years, 11 months ago
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