But the biggest disappointment is
neverwinter astral diamonds the performance of the shield Android TV can not keep up with the Xbox 360 and PS3. Metal Gear Rising is a game designed to be played at 60 fps, and while the two editions of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 might see performance degradation, there is still a difference of night and day compared to the Android version label TV . Too often 30fps framerate to occupy territory - the only time we saw some sustained narrowing of equals that performance occurred in the sections of the guide learning much more simplistic.
Revengeance runs on Android works with a major disadvantage, then the frame rate, but is actually part time variation are more of a problem - frames consist of 16 ms, 33 ms, 50 ms or even higher at a time given, which means there is little consistency in the overall experience. This is certainly the game is currently in a performance level even lower than it is running. This probably explains why only owners Coat Android TV can access the port - in this value, Tegra Tablet K1 simply can not cope less able.
The Witcher game that never was
Made in Poland but not from CD Projekt Red.
The Witcher game that never was
To his credit, Nvidia was courageous in their pursuit of high profile Android ports - Borderlands: The prequel Resident Evil 5 and are on their way, and we have 3 for the first work on Crysis conversion - but it is clear that the process of take the titles of the Android console is not easy, despite impressive specs Tegra X1. It suspected of containing existing Mac and PC connections - - The conversion kit would have access to all the source material, but clearly there is a problem with the head. Whether problems with the port itself, or the process of converting code DirectX (using Mac surround version of cider to achieve this goal) in OpenGL is unknown, but stressed that the convergence between desktop and mobile technology has I been waiting for some time is still far off, when DirectX continue to be dominant in particular.
In any case, for this piece together and make this game was fun. Revengeance is aged almost three, but the game still stands magnificently. Indeed, it may be our absolute favorite track Platinum Games. Maybe it's
Dragomon Hunter Gold time to check the PC ...