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Bethesda has had a very long for ESO and sad history of buggie games
   Discussion: Bethesda has had a very long for ESO and sad history of buggie games
esomalls · 8 years, 1 month ago
Whenever I saw double XP weekends in previous MMOs it tends to be only mob related. All quests/PvP gains etc are the same. It's basically a big smooch to the players for little real cost to the company. It's not about admitting to any leveling suckages, it's about giving the player base (who feel a bit battered atm) a non-monetary bonus for ESO Power leveling that helps build up the feels. I don't know if it'd work in ESO with the anomolies, but it might help the growing feeling that if you didn't exploit early, you lost out.Never do double XP, some rank that fast that they are v10 in a v7 area and still did not do all the quests. Most are wandering around in Cyro and so they level faster then most players. I am still at early v8 in a v8 area, but let them fix things first BEFORE adding any other stuff. Most players leave because they get stuck to often or getting errors (I had 7 'unknown error' messages in ONE day). Now my play time is up, but will come back later this year and hope this game is then more stable. Also I hope they have set up the European server abd that it will solve the lag, delay and the connection problems. But NEVER at double XP weekends, it would make the game less challenging and a lot of people will rush even more. But as some already posted, an achievement related boost would be a nice feature. The more achievement points you get (maybe every 500 points) would give you an extra boost in HP, Magica or Stomina (your choice).So because one mechanic is broken all others should be too? Besides, where is your magicka regen nerf? Also, BE breaks all the time. Often the spell procs the cost without the teleport and other times is just stop working all together ... so bugs were already there bud.Bethesda has had a very long and sad history of buggie games. I know Zos is the dev but Bethesda's name is on it and they must have some say about ESO Gold in the matter if just to set priorities. I guess they were allowed to get away with it because their games (thinking Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout here) were so popular. But heck, Skyrim STILL has many of the old bugs (the swimming on land one comes to mind as does broken pointer).
vynalori · 3 years, 11 months ago
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