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The same thing about Elder Scrolls Online that everyone else uses
   Discussion: The same thing about Elder Scrolls Online that everyone else uses
esomalls · 7 years, 9 months ago
Damn I Loved my Rift bard... Rocking and singing and all... Buffing everyone like a big mosh pit with my luthe of death !Tinlinlinlin dring dring take that buff man, tramalinlin SOLOOOO woui woui starting my wha wha Take that you scum ennemies ! Larsen CRIT over 9000 !Anyway, even if it wasn't a class line in the older games, who says it can't be now? Bard's Guild seems to have been new to Skyrim; there's no reason they can't or shouldn't expand on it in ESO. And as I mentioned, there was an awesome Nexxus mod that actually allowed you to act as a bard and get Cheap ESO Gold credit and cash for performing in taverns. Now I'm not sure how that would work in a multiplayer setting, unless the devs made sure you only heard your own bard's music, and random passers-by would only hear the NPC bard. As an aside, the bards do need a wider variety of music. I ran into a place the other day in Reaper's March, where I got invited to a party at the end of the quest. There's a stage there, with two rather awful belly-dancers, and a guy who is playing what looks like (but does not sound like) a bouzouki (if it isn't, it should be). It sure as heck wasn't belly-dancing music, though.The same thing that everyone else uses? I mean we have a sorceress that can use a big giant 2 handed weapon and a dragon knight or templar in full plate can wield a stick, it's not a stretch for a bard (which would be a support class) to wield other weapons.In animation, it's always been traditional to record the sound first, and then worry about everything else afterward. They could have been recording it NOW, because of the artists' schedules, for something that won't be released for another 6-12 months, or longer, depending on how they juggle the things that are in development besides that.Dont get me wrong, I would love to have all the wizard schools, 2 new guilds. 2 new races and 2 new classes. But then ESO would have 0 balancing. The vampire "oops" would be a small oversite compared to adding a class or a guild, before they add whats already in the plans.I didn't read this whole thread (I have the attention span of a small child), but.. maybe she meant new bard songs like the bards that sing in Inns and not an actual bard class? I mean, if there was a bard class... why would it need actual vocal songs? Wouldn't it get drown out by the combat sounds? Wouldn't the class be more like the songs we have when using /lute, /flute and /drum? I'm thinking to Buy ESO Gold EQ2 style bards, where it's more of a brief, melodic sound file as opposed to a full-on song. I'm pretty sure this person didn't mean what you thought they meant. Also, assuming someone was talking about a new class when talking about doing voice-over recording isn't considered "confirmed". Fallout 4 isn't confirmed just because the VO actor for Three-Dog did some work.
vynalori · 3 years, 6 months ago
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