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As far as making ESO on RPGs into computer games go
   Discussion: As far as making ESO on RPGs into computer games go
esomalls · 8 years ago
The PvE/Elder Scrolls fans/crowd can say whatever they want, but this game was marketed and sold as a PvP end game game, not as a Skyrim online. The game is currently more or less in beta stage due to how much is broken/buged, and Zenimax do not seem to have focus on fixing the game that give it bad rep. Instead they are now focused on fluff, that is nice and all, but should have not even been given time when the game is in the state it currently is in. But any way, the PvE/Skyrim crowd can just burry their heads in the sand and say all is good and super, and for them it can be actually, because a PvE game do not need the degree of balance a PvP game need. But the problem is the game is bleeding players like crazy, and this is of course a very bad thing, for ALL the players. And the more players that give up and leave, the more bad rep the game gets, and the faster it 'dies', or rather become F2P, and all that will lead to. PvPers tend to be very passionate about the games they play Cheap ESO Gold, so when they get frustrated and leave, they also spread their anger around...Sigh, this is like watching a high-rise building go up, except we've been allowed to move in before all the interior has been finished. Some folks just don't understand that, and think everything they can think of should have been on the table from the get-go. Yet an ongoing MMO shouldn't be thought of like a normal building; it ought to be thought of as like that one lady's house, where she kept adding on because ghosts told her to - it's never finished (yet hopefully what they add makes more sense than some of that lady's additions!)RP isn't just about players talking funny to each other; it's about how you feel running around the world. Lots of RPers seem to have been attracted to ESO; I'm one of them. I like that the NPCs talk to me like a person, not like a cog in military machinery that "has to do" no matter what, and is expected to do what anyone tells them. I approach a guard, and they say, "Oh, are you with the squad? We needed reinforcements." my reply - "I'm not with any squad." ie, I'm an independent dude. But tell me stuff, maybe I'll help, because I can and I feel like it. The computer game play is much more organic, than, say, WoW or Wildstar, where I always just feel pushed around, just doing what I'm told. Too close to RL, shudder, bleah. This, more than anything else, is what I appreciate most about ESO, and, in fact, Skyrim (which was such a breath of fresh air; after playing that, I knew ESO would most likely pull me away from WoW, and even if I check back for WoD, I know I'll come back here within the month.) It's mostly MMO players who don't care about lore, and just want a level-capped character as fast as possible, because they think Buy ESO Gold it's going to get them somewhere - or they're just in it for the computer-game element where there's nothing but combat, combat, combat. *(as far as making RPGs into computer games go, its the combat that computer people went and focused on, only because that's the major part of an RPG that uses numbers; I do notice older TES games did have things like rep and charisma and things to do with personality and how likeable you are, that affect other characters/NPCs. Most computer games took personality right out of it, yet still dared to call themselves "RPGs", rather than single-character combat sims. Which is what most so-called computer RPGs are.)
vynalori · 3 years, 11 months ago
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