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My opinion of ESO is that all classes should be balanced
   Discussion: My opinion of ESO is that all classes should be balanced
esomalls · 7 years, 8 months ago
"Let there be Reflective Scales and Syrabane Set Bonus. With these our children can maintain infinite mana, immune from projectiles as their mana regens, thus sustaining a continued never-ending spam of Green Dragon's Blood which restores stam to parry anything else."The problem is that after that initial burst, say you get a DK down to 20% (fairly realistic from stealth). They pop GDB twice, and they go Cheap Elder Scrolls Online Gold from 20% health to around 65-70% health in a matter of a second. I'm not saying to completely destroy the skill, but if they tweaked the numbers a bit, I dont think that's unreasonable.I think BE was overpowered in terms that a lot of CC didn't affect it. If you immobilized a sorc with something like Dark Talons, they could still BE away. If you snared them heavily, they could still use it. If you tried to use Invasion to CC them before they BE'ed, they'd go down but would still teleport away, meaning you would have to use Invasion again to get within close range of them. If they wanted to rework the nerf of BE in that it's distance was affected by the snares and CC on the sorc, I'd be all for it.Ah, suddenly we are able to see nuances again, of course regarding a skill that has been nerfed long time ago. In all honesty, don`t you think, that the synergy between GDB and other, equally powerful sustain skills out of the DK arsenal and 1h/s may justify some slight adjustments here and there?Bolt escape was unlike the other abilities listed in that spamming it completely removed one from the fight, and that te spam could be sustained so long. But while we're on the subject, I don't agree with how exactly they nerfed it - melee builds like 2 handed sorcs get screwed for using it offensively. Dragon's blood doesn't have as varried a utility. It's a tool to provided sustain at the expense of magica (and hence dps). Citing ESOMalls nerf isn't really pertinent to whether or not dragon's blood needs a nerf - my point is in regards to how those skills are atm, not pre nerf.My opinion is that all classes should be balanced. If this or any skill gives one class the ultimate upper hand in a fight, it should be fixed. All those who are against nerfs do not understand that good competition needs balance. That being said, I think the devs know more than the rest of us and I leave it on them to make these decisions.
vynalori · 3 years, 7 months ago
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